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Material research
Vestiging Eindhoven | Overig


Decor Son is a family company dating back 40 years who are big suppliers in the DIY market in Europe. With about 150 employees they have a wide variety of over 3000 products. This is, among other, decorative wall coverings, construction materials, isolation materials and tiles.


At the moment Decor Son makes a part of their products from concrete. However, they have noticed an increasing demand from their customers for a lighter material. Although lighter, the material should not lose any strength compared to the concrete. Also the material should be less fragile and preferably sustainable as well.

Your job is to do an exploratory research to find a material that fits these demands. Should you find such materials, then you will do deeper research for them to find out the feasibility to implement the material in their production process.

Eisen van student

Are you a student that:

  • Has knowledge about material science
  • Has knowledge about processing of materials
  • Is available for at least 12 hours a week until the end of may

Than apply now!

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