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Developing a model for financial overview
Vestiging Eindhoven | IT & Data


Cello is a large care organization that focuses on care for the disabled. Cello offers care by offering accompaniment for living, children, specialistic support and for questions regarding the home situation.



The project focuses on developing an SQL query that automatically calculates Cello’s cost price. By using this tool, Cello can calculate the cost price easier and more efficiently.

Eisen van student

We are looking for a student with the following knowledge and skills:

  • SQL
  • Modeling
  • Setting up algorithms and calculation rules
  • Data analysis
  • Knowledge of accountancy terms is a plus

Wat biedt UniPartners jou?

This project offers you

  • Putting your knowledge and skills into practice
  • Give your curriculum a boost
  • A nice amount of money
Direct solliciteren

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