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Annotating linguistic data from English to Norwegian or French
Vestiging Amsterdam | Techniek


Er du på jakt etter en deltidsjobb? Êtes vous à la recherche d’un contrat temporaire? UniPartners Amsterdam is looking for motivated (native) Norwegian and French speaking students that want to work for a Digital Labor Company. This firm is developing and training software for different languages. They are asking you to help them classify linguistic data.

Eisen van student

We are looking for students who are:

  • Native Norwegian or French speaker
  • University student
  • Flexible availability
  • With an English working proficiency
  • Preferred field of study is linguistics, literature or communication science

Wat biedt UniPartners jou?

Are you looking for a part-time job to earn some extra money and do you meet the requirements stated above? Please apply now using the link below! Deadline for application is: July 14th.

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