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Market Study of Concrete Waste
Vestiging Rotterdam | Financieel


C2CA Technology was formed in 2016 between GBN Group and TU Delft, and emerged from an European research project. Their mission is to establish a completely closed concrete loop, recycling 100% of end-of-life concrete into high-quality circular raw materials. Given the environmental impact of concrete – it’s the most widely used raw material globally, contributing to 8% of total global CO2 emissions – C2CA’s work is vital. The majority of these emissions stem from cement production. C2CA Technology’s development of concrete recycling technology is a significant contribution towards reducing both the overconsumption of natural, primary raw materials and CO2 emissions.


The objective of this project is to conduct an in-depth market study on the global concrete waste and recycling sector. You will review available reports and statistics, interview industry experts, and analyse market trends and drivers. In addition, you analyse other market players and do a SWOT analysis of this competitors.

Eisen van student

This project will be carried out by two Junior Consultants. You will stay in close contact with company contacts to discuss your progress. Also a project manager of UniPartners will guide you throughout the project. You can always go to them for questions. In addition, you will need to meet the following requirements:

• Student at Erasmus University.

• Available 16 hours per week on average.

• Analytical thinking skills.

• Proper English speaking and writing skills.

• Knowledge of and affinity with sustainability.

• Good communication and teamwork skills.

• Knowledge about monetisation of innovations.

Wat biedt UniPartners jou?

UniPartners offers you a flexible, challenging and independent side job where you can apply the knowledge of your studies in a company. This way you can make impact while gaining experience in the professional world. A Project Manager from UniPartners will supervise you and maintain contact with the company to make sure the project runs smoothly. Apply directly with CV and short motivation (approx. 200 words).

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