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Job offer

The optimization of stakeholder reporting
Office Delft | Duurzaamheid

Company information

Ecowende, a joint venture between Shell and Eneco, is a pioneer in sustainable development by realizing the first offshore wind farm that harmonizes with nature. This project has the ambition to both enhance biodiversity and accelerate the deployment of offshore wind energy. Additionally, the project aims to green 3% of the Dutch energy market.

Project description

To keep all project stakeholders up-to-date, an Excel sheet is being utilized. We are currently seeking a Junior Consultant to optimize and restructure this sheet. Additionally, the Junior Consultant will have the opportunity to assist in other tasks related to his/her own field of study.

Student requirements

UniPartners Delft is seeking a Junior Consultant, who will be a master’s student at TU Delft. The Junior Consultant will be selected based on the following predetermined qualifications:

– Strong analytical skills;
– Proficient in Excel;
– Good command of the English language;
– Affinity with sustainability projects;
– Preferred: Experience with PowerBI or other visualization programs.

What do we have to offer?

UniPartners offers you a flexible, challenging, and autonomous position where you can apply the knowledge from your studies within a company. This allows you to make an impact while gaining experience in the business world. A UniPartners board member will guide you as a project manager and maintain contact with the company to ensure the project’s success. Apply directly with your CV and a motivation letter of approximately 200 words.

Apply now

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