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Connecting students and organizations.

UniPartners provides advice and consultancy by top students

UniPartners has been the bridge between business and students for over 35 years. We solve problems and challenges at companies, and at the same time offer an academic side job for students.

Our national network consists of twelve branches and a national board. We are represented in every Dutch university city and can therefore offer the full spectrum of fresh academic knowledge .

We are always looking for real challenges. Unlike internships and graduation assignments, our consultancy and advice projects are not bound by rigid time or learning objectives. We deliver tailor-made solutions. We unburden organizations through project management and find the ideal student consultant for every challenge.

"Tomorrow's top consultants are at UniPartners"

UniPartners International

At UniPartners, we’re all about fostering international connections that contribute to our growth and knowledge. We attend international congresses four times a year, a platform that allows us to dive into the world of consultancy while appreciating the intricacies of diverse cultures. Through these gatherings, we gain insights, refine our skills, and cultivate a well-rounded perspective.


By working together on projects, we facilitate a natural exchange of insights and experiences. Learning from each other’s approaches and successes helps us evolve and better serve our clients. Our focus isn’t just on getting projects done; but also to learn from each other.

UniPartners in figures

Since 1987, UniPartners has been helping organizations throughout the Netherlands with complex issues every year



At UniPartners, it doesn’t end after project completions or a board year. Our network of talented alumni extends beyond their student days. They remain a source of pride and inspiration, utilizing the skills and experiences gained during their time at UniPartners as a launchpad for extraordinary achievements, ranging from founding innovative startups to holding leadership positions in multinational companies.


With approximately 100 board members each year, we’ve built a massive network of over 2500 alumni, known as the Alumni Network. If you’re part of our esteemed group of former board members, we warmly invite you to keep the connections alive and inspire current students. Join the Alumni Network!


Board year

Are you looking for a year full of challenges and where you are practically running your own enterprise? Then doing a board year at one of our twelve UniPartners establishments is a perfect match for you! Are you interested in being part of the umbrella organization, where you tackle netwerk broad challenges and organize nationwide recruitment events, then a board year at UniPartners Nederland is a good fit!


Next to a board year, it is also possible to become a committee member or do a traineeship. Here you can help the board with thinking about marketing activities or contacting companies. In this way you can gain useful experience and boost your cv!