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Job offer

Get started with writing your own Swedish SEO texts!
Office Tilburg | Financieel

Company information

Maddox Media is an online publisher based in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. They develop online concepts in which consumers benefit from (extra) benefits. They mainly focus on performance-based year-end marketing, such as Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday deals. By making these discount days as user-friendly as possible for consumers and ensuring that the greatest possible result is achieved, they ensure that everyone can take advantage of the offers. 

Project description

Maddox media would like to fill the German and Swedish platforms with different texts. This concerns 27 German SEO texts and 7 Swedish SEO texts. In this project, you will write Swedish texts in the most creative and catchy way.  

Student requirements

If you are or if you have…


  • Fluent in Swedish language?
  • Communicative?
  • Feeling for marketing/content creation?


We are looking for you!

What do we have to offer?

  • Gain practical experience while working for a Dutch company;
  • A huge resume-boost; 
  • Nice financial compensation!


Does this sound like the perfect challenge for you? Send in your resume and a motivation letter!


Questions about this vacancy? Get in contact with our HR-Manager Megan! Send an email to or send a text message via Whatsapp to +31 6 30596969.



Deadline: Wednesday the 4th of May, 23:59

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