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Job offer

Vacancy - Ferro Techniek
Office Groningen | Techniek

Project description

Are you interested in developing new technologies? And would you like to be involved in real industry developments? Then this is just the project for you!

The client Ferro Techniek wishes to map the possible applications of their new plasma-technology. In order to do this, four student consultants of different disciplines will learn all about the possible applications in their respective fields. In a large brainstorming session the first steps will then be made towards the development of a whole new industry.

Student requirements

  • An independent researcher
  • A creative thinker
  • Communicatively strong
  • Available for 8-10 hours a week

What do we have to offer?

  • To work independently and project-based
  • To gain working experience as a consultant
  • A challenging and flexible part-time job that fits your study

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