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Internal job offer

Marketing & Event Committee
Office Tilburg | Commissie


UniPartners Tilburg wants to provide learning opportunities for students in all fields of study! Therefore, we are looking for international and Dutch students to help UniPartners Tilburg by being part of a committee.


Do you want to be part of one of our committees?
We are looking for enthousiastic students for our committees! In these committees, it is possible to gain practical experience, during your study. Moreover, you have flexible working hours, free workshops to develop yourself are offered and you will be able to expand your network!


Marketing & Event Committee
In the Marketing & Event Committee, you will be responsible for the organization of different events of UniPartners Tilburg. Next to that, you will be able to create new marketing strategies which UniPartners Tilburg can implement. Also thinking about creative promotion strategies and doing market research are tasks which belong to this committee!



  • Creative mindset
  • Ambitious
  • Teamplayer
  • 2-4 hours a week available


Does this sound like the opportunity for you? Hand in your motivation and CV quickly!

Questions regarding this vacancy? Contact our HR-Manager Tessa! Send an e-mail to or a WhatsApp message to 06 41818042.

Deadline: Friday the 18th of November, 11:59 pm

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